Let me congratulate you Nicholaus K on your determination to stand up
against JW ‘authority.’
I say you are reading the Bible on “face value” because
it is the instinct of the Bible reader to do that, to believe what he or she is
reading... and not to find fault. It is
what you do if you are a believer.
Having had the luxury (and pleasure!) of not being a JW for
many years, I look back and cringe at my gullibility in the past. I too looked at the Greek
language to try and gain some insight. But it is like praising a piece of glass
cut deceptively into the shape of a diamond. We fussed over the details and
facets and meaning of words as if to get at some supernatural truth, to enjoy
closeness to some invisible force at the heart of the universe. If you will forgive me being so blunt; it is
an illusion, a fraud. It was the Roman Church which compiled the Bible and labelled it ”sacred.”
There is no divinity behind it otherwise it would not be so full of
contradictions and grotesque inhuman behaviour passed off as divine will. If the
Bible was from God it would not repeat vivid folk legends and elevate them to
holy truth. Only in the rear view mirror is all of this apparent...it is hidden
from the ’true believer’.
The antidote is
critical thinking. Instead ask: Why was this written? Which earlier
documents is it copied from? When is the first time in literature or art that
we hear or see this concept? Where did this idea originate? Why is this story being told? Who actually wrote it first (as opposed to the conventional attribution)?
Is it possible that this actually happened? Is there any corroboration of this
episode from reliable eyewitnesses or secular reports? Do we have a history of handwritten
texts covering the same matter, with which to compare? Are our sources impartial
and scholarly? On this last matter there are many who are called Bible
scholars...don’t listen to them! Consider instead the researches and arguments
of the textual scholars of ancient history in the Middle East who spend their
academic careers immersed in the languages, archaeology and historical evidence
from that area.
”Bible based scholars” on the other hand, can never arrive at a goal of
understanding because they are looking in the wrong place namely: the Bible.
The life and political bluster of the Israelites and their gods is small fry compared
to the great political and religious forces of the region, Babylon, Assyria,
Egypt and later Persia. These are the true sources of the Hebrew Bible and its
texts, not the bovine idol Yahweh, the son of El.
Early Christianity is best described from a
knowledge of social history and the sociology of the period (what they had, what they did and why they did it)...This includes an understanding of the mythology of the
earlier Christ cults especially the Dionysian and Orphic cults and the Christian eschatology which is drawn
wholesale from Mithraism. A knowledge of Gnosticism and Greek philosophy of the
time is very revealing and also familiarity with the contemporary Roman religious ethos. It is
shocking to find that the Bible is almost entirely UNORIGINAL.
However we are all on a journey out of the Watchtower and we
are at liberty to take any path we wish but I am suggesting that most of us
realise eventually if not sooner, that the Bible does not stand up to any serious
scrutiny as a divine work; it is entirely human in origin.